Well, I remember that the last year a friend and I went to a trip to Guayaquil, I thought that it would be the best trip but something happened, first of all I have to say that I have asthma so when we were at the airport I realized that I didn't have my medicines, I wasn't afraid about it and I continued with my adventure, the flight was good but I fell asleep with the air conditioning turned on, at the moment we arrived to Guayaquil I wasn't feeling well, I was short of breath, then we got to the hotel and I reposed for a long time, when I woke up I felt a little better and we spent time around Guayaquil, the next morning was awful I had lost my voice, I was wheezing all the time, I was coughing, my tonsils was inflated so I had to stay at the hotel the rest of the trip, the last day when we had to return, my whole body hurt, and I had a very bad fever, we went to the airport and to vary the flight was delayed, at the end I had to be interned in a clinic for two days and the doctors sent me a lot of medicines and injections for around a month.


A class that I loved above all, was when we talked about natural disasters, first we saw vocabulary like what is a tornado, hurricane, flood, landslide, blizzard, food shortages, earthquakes etc, we remembered that on April 16th 2016, in Ecuador we had a very strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale, it damaged some cities of the cost of Ecuador such as Manta, Pedernales,  Portoviejo, Manabí, I was in my house that day, my family and I were having dinner, at the moment of the earthquake started my mother told me, " leave home and find a safe place",  my father told us "please don't be afraid and keep calm", I told my brother "Take the first aid kit", the radios said "This is a very impressive earthquake lots of families around Ecuador are losing their homes, some people are dying, try and help others to stay safe", the teacher of laws said that it was a very difficult day for her because she was far from home and she was so worried about her family, some students said that they couldn’t sleep that day because they feared there would be more retorts, my best friend told me to join in a group that traveled to the coast with food, drinks and medicines, we had help from some  countries, the people on the streets said that was so overwhelming live something like that because many of them had family there an didn't kwon what actually was happening.

I told to my classmate that is very important to be informed and updated in what to do and how to react in these cases of natural disasters.


Memoria-unit 7 holidays and traditions. 

The class that we saw about the traditions and festivities of different countries was very interesting because I learned about the different ways in which countries celebrate an event, this class made me remember a great traditional celebration that exists in my country which is the Inti Raymi, This is a very colorful festival in which the fertility of the land and the fruits it offers us are celebrated. It is celebrated with dances and colorful clothing. This celebration lasts for many days and starts from the month of June of each year. All people like this celebration and it is very popular even by tourists.


At classes we were always doing different activities to be concentrated and to enjoy learning so a game that I remember we played a lot was Kahoot that is a free virtual platform that allow to create questionnaires that the teacher used to improve our learning, all the students had to participated answering the questions and who had the highest score won.

💬Nothing is impossible if you really strive to do it💓

Unit 4 reading for pleasure- Recommendations👌

I think that read is an excellent way to relax so I recommend romance novel or mystery to be involved in a really interesting situation.

I am disappointed that teacher send students to read a book like a homework and they force to do different activities with book instead of support and motivate them to read a book for pleasure, I believe teachers have to be more motivational about reading.

I am surprised how teenagers don't have a reading routine or don't have the habit to read so I think we have to encourage them to read or at least listen to audio books.

Qué pueden hacer los padres para fomentar la lectura en sus hijos?

Weekly routine💜:








6:00 – 7:00

-Wake up

-Carry mother to job

-Wake up

-Carry mother to job

Wake up

-Carry mother to job

Wake up

-Carry mother to job

Wake up

-Carry mother to job

7:00 – 8:00

-Take a shower

-Have breakfast

-Take a shower

-Have breakfast

-Take a shower

-Have breakfast

-Take a shower

-Have breakfast

-Take a shower

-Have breakfast

8:00 – 9:00

-English classes (Vocabulary)

-English classes (Grammar)

-English classes (Conversations)

-English classes (Readings)

-Work in the platform

9:00 - 10:00

-Homework ( Complete the book)

Homework (Make dialogues)

Homework (Internet links)

Homework (Record speaking)

-Work in the platform

6 comentarios:

  1. Your trip to Guayaquil must have been very complicated. Since Guayaquil has a very complex climate, when you travel there, you should do so with all necessary precautions.
    As for the earthquake in Ecuador, when it happened was a very distressing moment. I remember that I was with my cousin in a restaurant and we all started running without knowing what to do. Later, we had a moral obligation to help our brothers in the Costa region.

  2. Jami I hope you are very well ...
    Personally I really like the content and many colors, congratulations for that.
    You know, I find the content of holidays interesting because here in Imbabura we have many traditions that are unfortunately not possible to celebrate now.
    Your motivational phrases are very important to me, thanks for your words.
    I tell you that I have almost the same schedule in the morning hahaha...

    A hug

  3. your content is interesting, you can find several topics that we deal with in the semester.
    In your publication the part that I like is the one of reading a book and your recommendation to get young people interested in books, because as you say there are no reading habits in the new generations

  4. Hi Jami I like your presentation but I liked it even more when you did not give up when you made the trip to Guayaquil, that shows us that when you want you should fight for what you love and want.

  5. Hi Jami, your presentation is interesting, here you talk about most of the topics covered in class. It is important to know that you encourage young people to read frequently.

  6. Hello Yami, I think she is the person with whom I shared the most throughout the level, almost most of the tasks we did together, at the beginning the digital classes took us by surprise but with the passage of time we did a good work in group, in your post are the units that we liked the most and with the cases that resemble our lives jajaja.

    I had the opportunity to meet you in person and you are great and as you always say and is your phrase, everything is possible in this life.

