INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES Made by Buitrón, Carvajal, Ulcuango.


1.              Collage

2.              Podcast

3.              Mind map

4.              Story

5.              Dialogue

6.              Game

7.              Review

Made by:

Buitrón Dario, Carvajal Karen, Ulcuango Tania 

22 comentarios:

  1. Hello guys, I have loved your cover is very original, your wall is very beautiful and full of color, the podcast you made is good to know about inventions because that has led to the development of the world, I don’t know a lot of technology because I can't handle it well but your theme is very interesting. I like your dialogue because I can see that you did it in a coordinated way and your game is spectacular to know what invention it is. I really liked the review and its presentation. Congratulations on your work guys I wish you good luck and thank you for your work because it has filled me with knowledge.

  2. Hello classmates, your publication has been very striking and very well done, I really liked how you have carried out your dialogue and your podcast, the creativity of each of the colleagues at this level has been great, congratulations for your work and for your creativity.

  3. Hello classmates. ✋😃
    I really liked your work, congratulations.👏🎉⭐
    I found the presentation with the cell phone image interesting, it was a very good idea.I also really like the images that they put in the video, it is very entertaining.The game seems very interesting to me I'm going to play.🎥🎮📑🖋😒
    It was a unit that we understood and you guys made it fun.😁
    Good homework. 👌🎉

  4. It is very fun to learn from innovative things friends, in their work they show a lot of skill to create images, I like their collage and they show us how technology has changed human lives.

      Actually yes. It is interesting how technology and the human mind are changing to innovate the world. it is something quite interesting.
      Thank you for your visit!!

  5. Hi guys! I hope that you are fine.

    Your topic and your explanation help me to understand better about inventions and discoveries. I liked too much your game, dialogue and story! I can see that you worked a lot.

    Discoveries and inventions are things that we must know by general culture and thank you guys for help us.

    I hope you continue to share more about this topic because we are very interested in continuing to learn and hear from you. Thanks for all friends, greetings and a big hug!

  6. Hello friends, Me yesterday while doing this work with my team. I could see that they did an excellent job. At first I did not upload the videos and wrote to Karen but then it was fixed. This topic for me was the most current of the entire book. You guys handled it very well. The review of the unit is colorful and says everything that we deal with in it in a very explanatory, cool way.
    Her work is very striking and has current affairs. I wish I had played a bit and tried your game it looks fun. And your story is creative congratulations. I have nothing more to say.

    Excellent guys.

    1. Hi Bryan, thank you very much for your comment and well yes !! If you had not told me that the video was not reproduced, the companions would not have been able to see it today.
      Thank you for telling me.

  7. Hi guys
    Good work very nice fellow images and Congratulate them on their work and tell them to keep going and never give up

  8. Hello classmates, I liked that unit very much, it was one of the units I liked the most during the semester. Your work is very well done and I like your podcast about inventions, the device eugene podcast is very good about pollution, the telephone podcast is an invention that is evolving, and the personal computer podcast is identical to the one on the cell phone.
    His story is a good one. I think he teaches us to be imaginative people and to create things that are good for people.

    Good job guys ...¡¡

  9. Hello colleagues, congratulations you chose a very interesting topic.
    Your blog makes me think about how much technology has made our lives and daily activities easier. Inventions and new discoveries have benefits as long as they are made with the best intentions without hurting or harming others. Times change and it is exciting to not know what inventions or discoveries will be found tomorrow.

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. Hi guys, it's nice to hear from you again.

    Really the unit of inventions and discoveries was very interesting since we could differences between these two terms, however I had a lot of fun doing and thinking about an activity that we did, we created something, remember it?
    I really like the design of their content and also in the dialogue it is evident that they have studied the subject, many happiness and I hope that someone of us can discover or invent something productive in the future.

    Greetings Artemisa

  12. Hi friends!!

    Their subject is very interesting and the objects they have chosen are the most relevant today

    Inventions help the world move forward each time in ways that help us make life easier for everyone based on our needs

    Its theme is very striking and the game is very difficult: 'c (I already played it)


  13. Hey guys! I hope you’re all right. His blog is very interesting, what most caught my attention was his pdcast, talk about the history of some inventions and it was interesting to know about it. I remember that in this unit we had the opportunity to do an activity where we had to create our own invention, it was a very fun and creative activity, thanks for the blog guys.

    1. Hello classmate. Thanks to you for your comment, for me this class was also very interesting. Take care!

  14. Hi guys, I liked the cover, it is the one that caught my attention the most, it is very original, because you talk about inventions and the cover clearly represents their subject, I really like the review because the activities that you carry out are similar to class lessons, I also really liked the game, because it helps me learn and it is a lot of fun.

  15. Hi guys, how's everything going? very good presentation of your blog, very colorful and attracts a lot of attention.
    I loved its history, they show how the idea of creating television was born and how it evolved over time, until it became an indispensable object in the world.
    The word search game is very interactive with people.
    Congratulations to all!!

  16. Hi guys, how are you?
    I really like this topic since it deals with the inventions that have been developed over the days and we have reached a high technology. I find the crossword game very fun and exciting as pictures are shown and you have to guess the word according to the vocabulary. Your blog seems very creative and ingenious to me. Congratulations

  17. Hello guys greetings I hope you are very well, your blog and the creative way to start talking about the subject caught my attention, your podcast was very interesting as they talk about various inventions that have occurred throughout history and how each one contributed too much in the advancements of technology.
    I think the game is very interactive since they use photographs to fill in the crossword and it makes us remember the vocabulary of the unit.

  18. Hello guys, your publication is very beautiful, full of colors and well organized, its topic is very interesting, in this unit we were able to learn new words that I did not have in my vocabulary, and we were able to learn about some inventions that were created a long time ago and They are very ingenious, I wish I could ever create something so ingenious, I found your game very fun, good job guys, take care of it.

  19. INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES, very good job guys, I like the publication is very colorful and the history of inventions very entertaining. It was a unit that taught us how to present our inventions hahaha of course if we ever create them but also to present inventions of great characters in history. I really liked your publication.

