Life Plans Gisell Gómez; Liz Suarez, Cristian Quespaz



Mind Map





Made by Gisell Gómez, Liz Suarez, Cristian Quespaz

18 comentarios:

  1. Hello guys!
    I like the work they did, their collage has many images and I like that and their game is entertaining, I really like it. In addition, this topic seen in class refers to life plans and I feel that we all have plans and goals to fulfill in the future.
    For example, I was going to travel to Colombia this year, but because of the pandemic I could no longer. But as soon as all this is over I made sure of my plans.
    you too do your best to carry out what you plan.


  2. The LIFE PLANS unit, unit 6 has been a very good experience and at times a bit complicated, due to the grammar that has sometimes been very difficult, in this unit we deal with perfect modals, at first it was quite complicated but With the teacher's explanations, my doubts were clarified, you colleagues have done a very good job, the game has been very interactive and has made me think a lot, I congratulate you on being an excellent job.

  3. Hi guys! How are you? I hope that fine.

    Your topic is very interesting because all have life plans, and when I listen your dialogue I see that you have many good things in your lifes and I feel happy for you.

    Your story it's very cute, could you give me it to read after? I like to read stories before sleep haha.

    I loved this unit, your review helps me to remember it, and it's good to review everything again, it helps us to improve in our study. The colors that you use in your presentation attrac attention and they are so funny!

    I hope see you guys, greetings!

  4. Hello guys, about the topic of life plans it is something that happens to young people each day like choosing the best career or the dream they have of becoming a professional. In your work you have captured the topic very well and it is also very beautiful. When talking about talents and abilities I have remembered why I chose my career which I just finished last week and I feel very happy. The story is very beautiful and also interesting because it leaves a positive message to be able to apply it in our lives. Its wall encourages a lot and I loved it. I hope you have a lot of success guys and keep working hard to achieve your goals and don't give up your talents.


    1. Hello Yamileth, I am very happy that you like our work, because yes, planning our lives is a matter of order so that things do not go wrong hahaha.
      Congratulations on your goal achieved, finishing your degree is something very nice for you, I wish you success

  5. Hi classmates, I say that his work is striking and has a lot of color and life. The video of the dialogue is different. Guys if it is not a lot of annoyance they will take to the United States thanks haha. I couldn't test his game, but it must have been something wonderful.
    The mind map is somewhat different from that of all classmates. For me the story is wonderful, it talks about life plans and it is something that we should plan ahead of time, it is unique.
    Congratulations, everything turned out very beautiful.

    Take care guys Bryan.

  6. Hi friends
    A nice unit reminds me when you were little you thought you would do many thing and as time goes by you already have aptitudes for something like passion and love.
    Congratulations and keep going.

  7. Hi guys, I congratulate you for this interesting blog.
    I really liked the creativity and the effort that each of you put into the work, the collage, the dialogue, the games and the rest of the content is very cool, and above all it captures the attention of all the visitors.

  8. Hello Guys !

    Life plans are an important issue in the life of each of us who are ready to fight a life full of challenges and goals

    The plans help us to have a strategy within our life, so it is very good to know that within their dialogue are their life plans and it is good to know that they are big and dreamy

    The reviewit's very opaque and I can't see it very well :( :(

    good job guys take care

  9. Hello classmates
    Excellent highly interactive content on the blog.
    Very nice colors in the collage and very interactive game.

    Good work and excellent blog.

    Successes ...

  10. Hi guys, how's everything going? For me, all people must have life plans, either to achieve a goal or a dream. In their blog they adapted the topic very well, they explained a lot of grammar and that seems great to me. I really loved her story, it resembles a fable. Congratulations guys, keep going reach all your floors and develop your skills and abilities

  11. Good morning guys, this topic of plans for life is very important in our lives since it is our future and we have to see our talents and qualities to choose which profession to choose, without making mistakes.
    On the other hand, I really liked your blog as it is very creative and entertaining.

  12. Hello guys, the subject of Life Plans is very important because I think it is a stage that we all go through, where we have to decide what we are going to choose or study for our future life and especially the profession we want to have and make us feel good and comfortable.
    It is very funny and beautiful the way they explain the subject using a lot of imagination and how they outline to make it much more understandable.

  13. Hello guys! I hope they are well. They have done an excellent teamwork, I can see the camaraderie when doing the dialogue, it is interesting to know about the life plans that one has in mind. I really loved the story that you guys have done and it seemed like fun.
    In this publication I can see a lot of creativity, colors and images that attracts a lot of attention
    Good job guys!
    They take great care of themselves!

  14. Life Plans, the unit that taught us what we want from life jajaja, here we could make a check of what we do and do not do, we also learned how to carry out a job interview and what are the most frequent questions. It was a very interesting unit, I remembered when I was given my first job interview. Great job guys.


  15. Hello friends I really liked the podcast, because it is very clear, it helped me understand the subject very well, also the mind map is very nice and interesting, the dialogue is very good, I like the importance that you give to travel, to I would also like to travel a lot and save many experiences,

  16. Hi guys, I think your work is very good, and I think it covers all the topics in the unit, it is an interesting topic since we all plan something in our life, our studies, or our profession, sometimes things don't work out. as we want, but we have to be optimistic, I found his dialogue interesting, and his collage and map are very colorful and well organized. Go ahead guys.

  17. Hi guys I hope you have a nice day.

    I really believe that we were all able to explore our talents and abilities, I think that we must exploit everything we have to discover who we are. However, in this unit we also determine correct or incorrect our career, I hope that the career you are studying is according to your life plan and that you achieve all your goals.
    I recommend that you continue to explore your abilities to fulfill your dreams.

    A hug, Artemisa

