My Class Experience - Melany Díaz Santana


8 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I love your presentation, the colors are very nice and the pictures you put up look great.
    Your recommendation is very good as well as your motivational phrase,because other people who see your blog may take this into account to learn another language .
    I like all your publication.

  3. Hi Melany, I love your presentation becouse you present yourself as you are and give some good phrases, the only thing I can say is: Congratulations Melany

  4. Hello Mel, nice to see your publication.

    Personally I really liked sharing many activities with you. You proved to be a very responsible person and I think we managed to be a good team.
    I agree with you that each unit had its important theme and that we must focus on a life plan that fills us with happiness.
    I really like your design and content.
    Thanks for all this time...
    A hug, Artemisa

  5. Hi Melany, your backgrounds are interesting and colorful.
    You have good content of what was done in class.
    The teacher made the online classes very interesting and flew by. She made us learn a lot with each activity.
    Successes in your life.


  6. Hello melany I was reading your blog and I saw that I am in a photo lol if I remember that activity we did, and that activity helped me to know you a little more.

  7. Hello Melany, I really liked your publication, I remember that we had to do groups in an activity about health, we had to carry out dialogues, and it was very fun because we did not know how to record very well, and it took us a little time, in the end it was well.
    Greetings and success in your career.

  8. Hello Melany, your post is very interesting and beautiful. You were very good at applying Kahoot, you beat us a few times, very good.

    I think your phrase is very interesting, in my profession as a journalist they say that you learn to tell a thousand stories through words and I think you can also transmit it through a thousand languages

