My experiences

 Talk about medications -  Unit 2

That day we had to do a dramatizing dialogue about the medications with my classmates, each of us had to turn on our microphone at the time of our turn but, when my turn came I was speaking, I thought that the others were listening to me and it turns out that I I forgot to turn it on, I didn't know why the classmates were laughing, then I realized that I could have been able to turn on the microphone so that my classmates could hear me. I just apologized and it was kind of embarrassing.

Holidays and Traditions - Unit 7

All the classmates had to talk about a holiday in a country. It was a very good experience to learn about the different festivities, purpose, typical food, typical music, typical clothing and other traditions that each country has.
 I had to investigate about the Day of the Dead in Mexico, the people who live there celebrate these holidays with great joy remembering their deceased. 🎇🎃
Describe your Reading habits – Unit 4

I remember that in reading habits I had a dialogue with my classmate Guissel Gómez, it was interesting to know the types of reading, when she likes to read and where she likes to read. We were able to exchange information and find out our tastes about reading. 📗
I remember her telling me that she liked to read a lot of books and magazines and it was very interesting to know that.

 Game  - unit 7

After learning and practicing the adjective clauses, the best way to know if the knowledge on whose subject is clear, the teacher had us give an evaluation in the Kahoot! Game.
The game that we played was very fun and interesting. Here we were able to learn much more!👏👏

Motivational Phrase


I would have liked the classes to be more dynamic, to be able to interact in the best way with each other and in this way know much more about my classmates.
If I had received face-to-face classes I would have met my classmates.

11 comentarios:

  1. Hi Tania, I hope you are well, I send you a big hug from Otavalo.

    I think so, actually all the virtual activities with our partners have left healthy experiences and memories. That is, we were able to interact much more than in face-to-face classes and we learned to deal with the situation we are going through.

    I really like that you mention the traditions because well, at this moment we only have memory of local and world festivities. I hope soon to be able to enjoy a holiday with family and friends.

    Greetings Artemisa


  2. Hello, I do remember what you say about the microphone, hehehe it was a little funny, but it is not a reason to be ashamed, it can happen to all of us, and something similar happened to me in another matter hehehe

  3. Hi pretty! How are you? You know, I really loved to read your publication and I laughed when read that you forgot to turn on the microphone! But actually it happens to us sometimes.

    I remember that you talked about Dead Day when we exposed about the traditions, and I think that it is very interesting and I agree with you, is very important to know about other traditions around the world.

    Your motivational phrase is very beautiful, always we need to read or listen something like that.

    I loved read you and I hope that you are so good!

  4. Hello friend I also had an embarrassing situation just like yours, I did not know that my computer microphone had been on at that time was listening to music so the teacher asked me to turn off the microphone of my computer.

  5. Hello, I remember when you spoke about the day of the dead in Mexico, it seemed like a very interesting and unusual celebration, we were able to know how they celebrate that day there, and that in different parts of the world there may be very unusual traditions or customs but that are interesting and eye-catching.
    I also had problems with the microphone when we started classes. :D :D :D !!!

  6. Hello Tania, I am very happy that you like to read, this unit helped to know new genres of books to read.

  7. Hello Tania, I very much agree with you I would have liked to have the face-to-face classees to get to know my classmates more, on the other hand I also remember when you spoke about the Day of the Dead in Mexico and it caught my attention how they celebrate the dead because it is very different from our country.

  8. Hi Tania, I agree with you.
    I also would have liked there to be more exhibitions of all our colleagues to get to know them much more, unfortunately due to the pandemic we could not receive classes at the university and we had to take classes online.
    I personally do not like to have classes through the computer, but we have to adapt to this way of life and do things well to emerge.

  9. Hi Tania, We have all had complications with virtual classes. Many times, my microphone has turned on when it shouldn't have, and I've had moments a bit embarrassing. However, we have to get used to it because we will have to continue with this education system for a few more months.

  10. Hi Tania ✋👩
    I find all your class experiences fun and interesting.👏⭐
    All the time we were learning new things about English and also from our classmates.📙👩‍💻💻

  11. Hi Tania, nice to greet you. I also remembered the dialogue with my partner Yamileth who told me about her reading habits and her favorite books. It was very interesting because I remember that we made a zoom video and we presented it. For me books are my life since I am a journalist and through words I can tell anecdotes, stories or news. Every day I tell my colleagues in the office to read the newspapers so they know what is happening in our world. It was one of the most interesting units.

