Class experience- Gissell Gómez

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This experience has been something new and a little difficult for me as well as for my classmates and the teacher, because nobody was used to receiving classes like this. At first everything was new, we thought that the classes would be difficult to understand, that we would have more time for free for us, that it would be as interactive as the face-to-face classes but it was not like that, for example it was a little difficult for me to use Zoom, the first time they sent us to record a video I did not know how the program worked, how to record and send... but then I learned and it became easy.
Then the classes were not so difficult, they sent us more homework than usual, generally we did not talk much only when the teacher asked us, no one knew anyone as in the face-to-face classes ...
It was a pleasant experience, we learned many things outside the subject, we learned to edit videos, make computer graphics and more, things that have served us well in class.

5 maneras con 'expertise' de decir 'thank you' en inglés - ORH ...

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