18 comentarios:

  1. Hi Classmates, I'll start by saying how cool your collage is. The podcast video is fun and narrative of what is happening in the country. I feel that the mental map is beautiful, but you can't see much. I would have liked the image to be bigger to be able to visualize it better. For me the story and the dialogue best of all what a great job.

    The game is super interactive. Congratulations, your work is fine.

    Good morning Bryan

  2. Hello guys, I stop by your group to tell you that I have loved the way you make known about controversies such as military service or voting that are common in the country we live in. Your mind map is very nice but it doesn’t visualize very well so I zoomed in to read it and it is actually fantastic and full of information. Your blog space is very creative, your story is very beautiful and you leave a good message. I say goodbye to your work with the pleasure of having reviewed it and I hope you continue to have that motivation and express it in a very beautiful way as in this work

  3. Congratulations on your work friends, the collage is very colorful and very funny too, the game is very creative, your compliments are very understandable.

  4. Hello classmates, congratulations on your work. 👌⭐😀
    It is a very interesting subject that we learned in class.I really like the images and the videos are interesting.✅🎥📜👩‍💻
    The review is very well summarized and you can understand everything.It was a good theme chosen excellent work.🤗💻📚👏

  5. Hello guys !
    The work has a very relevant theme because it deals with the way of governing a society, which is very attractive for people who like politics.

    Its theme has dealt with a handling in the military service and the controversy that still exists about the right to vote

    His video is very striking and his dialogue is very well raised

    Take care guys, bye

  6. Hello friends, your work is very well done, I find very nice the topics you have chosen for your story, you talk about politics a very complex topic that you have to understand well, I find it interesting that you emphasize that a person who comes to power as president must do a very good job and must be a candidate with good skills for the welfare of all people.

    Their dialogue is interesting, each one presents their opinions on the controversial issues.
    Their game is pleasant and dynamic for those who use it.
    Congratulations guys.. ¡¡

  7. Hi partners I hope you have a good day.

    Controversial issues really affect us every day and I congratulate you for explaining the content of this unit again in addition to the grammar used.
    Controversial issues involve a very important decision and I hope that you are the people who make the right decisions to lead a healthy and trouble-free life.
    Politics, religion, etc. They are factors that have separated us and I believe that it is up to our generation to respect each person with their beliefs and customs to create a better world.

    A hug

  8. Hi friends
    I like your presentation very colorful very striking and to say that it was good in that part, I remember that I do not like talk much asked him and they did a job and keep going.

  9. Hi guys, How're everybody ? there are many controversial problems of different kinds in our society and, it seems great to me how they explain and develop it in their video, very good work guys.
    I would like that the mind maps are bigger because they cannot be read. but they are very well made and very colorful.
    Very good story, it refers to the dream that I have within politics, the soil of finding an honest person who really wants to lift the country on a good path, eradicating the corruption and ambition that all politicians yearn for.

  10. It has been a very good experience to carry out these activities, since I have loved their publication and I have had a lot of fun with their game. I consider that they have a great creativity and I think it has also been very interesting how they speak in their podcast about the subject, "CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES". In conclusion, I can say that the design of each of the activities has been spectacular; And although we may not be able to share this type of experience again in the future, we have learned a lot so far.

  11. Hi guys good job.
    The videos and images are eye-catching.
    good use of colors.The game is entertaining.

    A recommendation the size of the images because it doesn't look good.


  12. Hello guys! I hope they are well. They have done an excellent job as a team. It is a very interesting topic because they publicize the military service and the voting that are common in the country.
    In this publication they used their creativity a lot, it is full of extremely interesting images, games and videos.
    Congratulations guys!

  13. Hi guys, this was one of the units that I liked the most of the entire level of English, because here I found very interesting topics that I like to discuss. The cultures and customs that exist around the world are incredible and each one has something different. In addition, talking about the forms of government is fundamental since as people we must know the criteria of politics and more in these times where we live so many negative ways of governing. Very good your work is very concrete and understandable the topics.

  14. Hello guys!
    I really like your way of presenting the blog, it is very creative and has clear information. Your video describing your point of view on politics is interesting and is very well edited, congratulations for your teamwork was a unit where we learned a lot of vocabulary that will help us express ourselves.

  15. Hello friends, this unit is very interesting because you talk about problems that exist in the countries, I really like the collage, because it is very easy to understand the subject, the mint map is very clear and precise, the dialogue is very good, I really like the musical background, the story is also very good because how much it tells, the images appear that help me understand better, in short, the work is very good, congratulations.


  16. Hello friends! I hope you are having a great day.

    Controversial issues are a topic that is very present in our country and in the world. It's very good that you have explained it.

    I want to congratulate you for your work because I really liked it. I can see that you worked a long time to come up with this perfect content. Your game, dialogue and story are very funny, I'll save them on my computer haha.

    I hope to see you soon, a hug!

  17. Hi guys, congratulations. They did a good job.

    I think his collage is very colorful and explicit. Also the vocabulary that you put is very important to learn every day more. Like its game, it helps to reinforce the knowledge acquired in class.

  18. Hello partners, I really liked the topic, in the way they were organized and provides the necessary information to understand the unit that we reviewed, controberciales issues such as military service, the age to drive, or prohibiting smoking in public places, I really enjoyed listening to your story and its game is very funny.
    Congratulations, keep going.

