Natural Disasters (Alexis Ortiz, Cristian Chulde and Ricardo Ormaza)

 Photo Collage


Mind Map


(If you don't want to read the story, you can listen to it here)


Interactive Game


(To solve exercise A, you need to listen to the following audio)

21 comentarios:

  1. It's a pleasure greet you guys.

    This topic is very controversial because in the world's history there were a lot of natural disaster in many countries. It's good that you mention some natural disaster than can occur, because we will be careful.

    I liked too much your story. Actually it's something that can occur, so the people must have careful always, because we don't know what can happen.

    Your game seems very funny! I like alphabet soup, I think that they help our to think too much and they are so funny.

    I hope you can continue to share things about natural disasters, we would learn a lot. See you!

  2. Hello colleagues, I was amazed when looking at the podcast to see how a great video was made from a WhatsApp voice note. Her story is great and very sad but they are stories that always happen. I think that the dialogue is something sad that happens in our country. I also think that there should be not deforestation on the planet. My overviewis that they don't cut down trees. I would better suggest that you help by planting more trees and fauna that protect us. And take care of our health. For me it is a brilliant work on Natural Disasters. Congratulations, your entire publication is very good. Although I wish I could have played his game.

    Bye guys, take care Bryan

  3. Hi guys, the topic you worked on is very interesting because natural disasters happen any day without our knowing it. It is good to have information on natural disasters because that is how we know how to deal with these situations. Our country does not register many disasters so we do not have adequate knowledge of what to do at those times. Thanks to you for with this valuable information that you have made known to us, we can have knowledge about various issues of these situations. You have done an excellent job with the story and the game because I really like alphabet soup. You have been very creative and I have loved their story of Juanito. I congratulate you for the work you have done, you helped me a lot in learning about issues that I did not know and you continue to be very successful.

  4. Good morning guys.

    The content of the unit was very clear and I congratulate them for explaining to us again some aspects that I have forgotten.
    The design of its content is very dynamic and I like it a lot, however this topic is a bit sad because with natural disasters several innocent lives have been lost, I hope they are very well with their families and also that they know the precautions for some natural disaster.

    I wish you all the best on this vacation.


    1. Hi Artemisa !
      In truth, the issue is sad because after this much is lost for the families.
      I'm glad that you found it dynamic, thank you very much and take good care of yourself

  5. Hi guys, Congratulations you did an excellent team work which resulted in a very interesting blog.

    Luckily you chose a good topic that allows us to raise awareness about the damage we are doing to the planet, and to be able to take action to solve the damage to the environment in a certain way.

  6. Congratulations on your work friends, the most striking thing about your work was your story, I think Juanito's technique to avoid a disaster that damages his crops is very good, Juanito was interested in avoiding damage to his crops and with the help of his mother he was able to plant several trees.

  7. Hello classmates, ✋😃
    I really like your work. Everyone has made an effort.👨‍💻💻📚
    The videos are very entertaining and dynamic. The story seemed interesting to me.The game could have been easy, if I have solved it out.🎥✅📲🎮
    It was a very important topic that we learned in class that I really liked.📜🖋
    Congratulations on your hoomework⭐⭐⭐🙌

    1. Hi kely !!
      Thank you very much for commenting on our work
      We did it with a lot of patience and thinking about uploading a good material to the blog, I'm glad you liked it
      bye ! :)

  8. Hello partners, I think that the subject on which you expose is very important to know and understand the meaning of a natural disaster and the strength it may have, also the causes and consequences that generate in different places, in the dialogue current what is happening with the heavy rains and I think that if it is very necessary to take the due precautions to avoid any incovenient and cristian I hope that the rains no longer will generate too much losses and you can have the harvest without so much problem.

  9. Hello colleagues, I think your natural disaster unit is very important, I really liked the Podcast as it teaches us what a natural disaster is.

    The mind map seems very important to me as it informs us of the causes, consequences and types of natural disasters.

    The dialogue seems very sad to me as the lands were flooded and the crops were lost, I am very sorry.

    I found the game very funny and ingenious.

    I hope you take good care of yourselves, see you later.

  10. Hello classmates, very good work have summarized very well this unit, each of the work is nice, your story about Juanito is good and a little tragic and sad .
    The way they do their dialogue is cool, it's like a video call between friends.
    I like a lot the alphabet soup, so his game is good jejejej

    Good job...¡¡

  11. Definetely it is a experience amazing, look everyone my classmates have had a big creativity, I stand out his dialogue and their play that I search the words a big time haha, also his mind map explain very good about of natural disasters, his topic is absoluty interesting and you,ve had an exellent form, congrulations for so much creativity

  12. Hello guys! I hope they are well. They have done an excellent job, because talking about this subject allows us to be careful about any natural disaster that may occur. With this publication you have clarified the issue further.
    The game they have created is so much fun! I like very much.

    Cheers guys!

  13. Hello everyone! This unit was very interesting and I liked how you could describe and summarize all the information. I think it’s important to be able to learn vocabulary about this topic and even with all the activities we did we started to learn a lot more about natural disasters around the world.

  14. I think this work is great, because the topics are very well done, I think it is very important to highlight the dialogue because it is very clear and entertaining, also the mind map, because it is very easy to understand and the review is very well done because it is very well summarized and this review will help me better understand this unit.

  15. Natural Disasters was the unit that reminded me of many catastrophes that have happened throughout history throughout the world, and it also invited us to reveal the past and the present due to the pandemic that we are experiencing. Being able to see what others suffered and what we are suffering makes us understand that we are never free from any natural disaster. It was a unit full of dialogues and of course it was part of the partial test. Good job guys, we can see the unity very well exemplified.

  16. Hello classmates, you did a good job dealing with natural disasters. I think we all remember that class because we learned some types of natural disasters but in reality it seems a bit sad to me because people who have to experience some type of natural disaster are left without a home, are injured or in some cases die .
    Currently in many countries there are floods, tornadoes or droughts, which affect the people and animals that live in those places.
    Anyway, I really like your game because it's very fun.


  17. Hi classmate

    A pleasure to read about natural disasters is very important to know as it can occur in our lives.
    Excellent content, very interactive blog.
    Good story of the tale.

    Good use of digital media such as images, videos, games.

    Successes ...

  18. Hello colleagues, I really liked your topic, it was well chosen, and I think it was one of the most interesting topics that we were able to review this semester, your organization and creativity is reflected in this publication, your game looks fun, I will try from finding all the words in the alphabet soup, I think you did a good job, congratulations, keep going.

