


Mind Map






 Authors: Yamileth Sierra, Yasid Cerón e Iván Córdova

18 comentarios:

  1. Hi guys, I feel that your work is excellent. Health isn't a game. I think the feeling of being in a hospital is very ugly. During that time you miss your loved ones a lot and you value the least thing they did for you at home. It seems great to see the advances in medicine. His story is full interesting and striking. I say that the podcast video is amazing what a great job. I wish your game had a link to test jaja.

    It was fun when at the end of the dialogue they spoke in Spanish with Ivan. finally we finished jaja. Nice work guys. Congratulations.

    Take care of Bryan

  2. Hi friends! I hope that you are very very well.

    Your publications is so fantastic, it's good to know about the healt matters and also know how solved them. Your story, dialogue and podcast are very interesting and I think that they can help to people care more about their health.

    Also, their game seems very funny, could you give me the link to play? I think that we can enjoy playing your game.

    The vocabulary of this unit is very useful, we can use it everyday of our lifes. Thank you for the explanation, I hope see you soon! Greeting guys!

  3. Hello friends, I wish you all the best.
    His work is very striking, the vocabulary of the Unit is very useful to refer to the diseases that we have, if we could need any of these words, then we already know.

  4. hello Jami, hello Ivan I really liked your work, it is very creative, especially the part of the dialogue as they dramatize it was interesting, in the part of the collage they made me remember how it is when you visit the doctor or even a dentist, and it came to me the memory the sounds that the machines make when they have to heal a tooth and also that sometimes it is necessary to be injected and that if I panic, another very important thing was the mind map as it tells us about having good health performing different activities, eating healthy and resting as necessary.

  5. Hi guys, your work is very nice, your story is very interesting and your podcast is very good, I think it teaches us to be more careful with our health.

    Your game is good so we can learn more vocabulary and the terms that you have chosen for the vocabulary part are good because we can use them in our daily life, I consider that they are terms that are used in several conversations, even more in this time where taking care of our health is essential.

  6. Hello friends, congratulations I think it was a very interesting work, I liked very much the part of the dialogue you had a lot of creativity to make it.
    Luckily you chose a good topic for the team work, you can see that you put a lot of effort, in conclusion it is an excellent work.

  7. Hello guys !
    Your work is very interactive about medicine which is very useful for people like me who prefer an alternative medicine to chemical antibiotics

    The discussion about the coronavirus is very successful this season since it is the pandemic that has given the most fear in recent days to which we must take great care, regardless of the medicine we choose

    The story is very reflective to be able to value the people we have around us

    Take good care guys, greetings :) :D

  8. Hello friends, congratulations on your excellent work.

    This unit on health issues seems very important to me and teaches us a very complete vocabulary about symptoms, medical procedures and medications.

    On the other hand, I really liked his videos (dialogue and podcast) since they teach us the importance of taking care of our health and that it is important to go to the doctor for any discomfort we have.


  9. Hi guys, you have good content on your topic, the game must have the link to visit it. good use of digital media and excellent colors on the blog.

    Nice work guys. Congratulations.

  10. Hello classmates. ✋
    At this moment I was able to observe all the work done.👨‍💻
    I think it is an excellent job, with many images and colors. But what I liked the most was the video story, it is a tragic story but the images I see are perfect to understand the story.🎥📽📑
    Also the game looks a bit complicated. If I had solved, I might have thought it's really easy.🎮💊💉📚
    Everything we learned in this unit is very important.There is a very extensive vocabulary that will help a lot.
    I really liked all its content😁🙌

  11. Hi guys, how are you? I found the animation of your video very beautiful, I recommend that you speak faster because the narration is very slow.
    The podcast had to be done as a team to make it more interactive.
    What I do find very attractive is its mind map, it is very colorful and distributed in a good way, I would like you to tell me what program they did it with ...
    Thank you for showing your interaction in the video they make, very good presentation, I think almost all of us have had an accident or have gone to the dentist for some problem with our teeth.

  12. Hello friends where to start, well, classmates congratulate you . you have a beatiful presentation, very colorful and striking. in this unit I learned new vocabulary and also I learned new words. in this part I remember that when I study medicine in the university of Centarl and I had my patien with them lives a beatiful experience.
    Good work guys keep up the good work

  13. What they have done seems very interesting. I really liked the way they have carried out their dialogue and mind map. Without a doubt, these types of activities have helped us to be more creative and detailed with what we do, so it would be good if we could share similar experiences again in a next opportunity.

    In general, I think that the English classes have helped us to be closer to our classmates despite the distance.

  14. Hello guys! I hope they are well. They have done a very good job, it is important to know about health issues and you have shown in your videos that health is not a game. With this publication I think that they could help all people to be careful with their health.

    His game seems to be a lot of fun and stress-free. I would have liked to see the link to play.

    The vocabulary on this topic is important and useful because we use it in our daily lives.
    Good job guys!

  15. Good morning, guys, I hope you’re all right. I am very pleased to see their work, they have a similar design in all publications and it is evident the teamwork. Thank you for sharing the information you give us about this unit is very good and very creative.

  16. Hi guys, good job.
    It is quite interesting to learn about the pain caused by diseases. The day the teacher gave us this class, I think we all remembered when we were sick on some occasion.
    I like their story and their mind map and flashy and colorful, but I would have liked them to put the link of the game in their publication so we can play.


  17. Hello friends, you are talking about unit 7 and I think this topic is very important and necessary, because it talks about our health, I like the importance that you give to this topic, I really like the collage because the photos are very interesting The mind map is also very nice, it has many colors but I think they should make it a little bigger, because it is difficult for me to read, the game also looks very fun and I would like you to pass me the link to enter to play, congratulations on your job.

  18. Hi again guys, it is very good to hear from you.

    I loved the story and also the podcast that is very well done.
    The game you have used is very very fun and I can learn a lot more, congratulations.

    Personally, I believe that taking care of our health is the most important thing at this time so we must prevent any disease and treat it properly. I hope that you and your families are in good shape and that you can continue to fulfill your dreams.

    A hug

